Thursday, December 4, 2008

New yet old friends

I was so suprised tonight at my Enrichment Christmas dinner when I turned around in my chair and saw one of my old friends sitting at the table next to me. I said her name and then we had a great little reunion. Her name is Susie. I worked with her at TJ Maxx before either one of us got married. We used to hangout back when and always had fun. Anyway she and her husband moved here recently and we just ran into each other. It's amazing. It's so nice to have a friend in the ward that I don't have to completely get to know. She is so fun and super cute! I'm so glad to have another friend here in Austin. Lets just hope now that her husband and Brian will become great friends. That would be awesome! What a blessing it is to find good friends and run into them when you need them the most!


alisha peterson said...

Its alway nice to know that the world isn't so big. I am glad you have some you know to be friends with. Its nice to know you might not be so lonley out there.

Archuletas said...

I love those moments when you see someone you know in a totally unexpected place. They are special. Reminds me of when when we found out we were related to the Schuldt's in a similar way. I'm happy that you found an old friend in your time of need. We love and miss you. Hope you have a MERRY, MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS.