Monday, March 30, 2009


My favorite picture of the week! I Love these cheeks!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tornado Warning

Today we had a tornado warning. It was a new little adventure, we didn't actually have any tornado touch ground but we definately got the hail and rain. Brian and I watched the strom come in. It was a little cloudy today but still quite nice and then within like 15 minutes it went from nice to a down pour of hail. It was crazy. I've never seen it hail like that ever. It was nearly a white out from the hail.
We had a warning last spring just after we moved here but we didn't get anything other than winds from it so this was a new experience. This is just the start of tornado season to so I'm sure I will have many more stories to write about. We were really lucky to not have bigger and more hail and rain than we did. In one area they got 2 feet of hail and they had some major damage. We have a few dents in our car but that is all. here are the pictures I took of the hail. The first picture is of the hail that accumulated at our door. The other I went down and picked up some of the balls off of the grass.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm so glad that I put K on a bedtime schedule, it has made life at nights so much easier. I am thankful that it didn't take long for her to get used to it. It's been so great to have some time with Brian at night without the girls awake. Now if only I could get Brian to help a little more with putting the girls down.
We went to San Antonio last weekend for a meeting, I stayed at a friends house. I was able to get K to sleep because she has been on her schedule. It did take a little longer but she actually went to sleep. I was so happy. I'm so glad that I started her on a bedtime schedule. I would be going crazy if I wouldn't have changed what was going on at bedtime. Yeah for bedtime!!!
I'm not super excited about putting K and A in the same room. It's going to be a huge adjustment for K, and many long nights for me. K is such a light sleeper that I'm sure when A cries she will wake up. It may be a month of so befure we start that but I can honestly say that I'm not looking forward to it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Diaper Patrol

Just recently little K has wanted to help with all sorts of things, but the one thing she always wants to do is throw every diaper away. It doesn't matter if it is hers or baby A's. Today was so funny Brian was trying to distract her with an x-box controller. When I got done changing baby A, I asked her if she wanted to help mommy, she was so excited that she through the controller at Brian. It was hillarious! She is now on diaper patrol, it's great! I don't complain. She is becoming such a great big helper!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A day at the Park

Today was such a beautiful day so Brian and I decided to take the girls to the park. It was so nice that we didn't even need to wear jackets! Little K had so much fun. I think this was the first time she truly enjoyed the park, she could do everything by herself and she enjoyed her independence. Baby A got to just enjoy soaking up the sun and getting vitamin D! Brian chased little K all over the park it was so cute to watch them run around! I absolutely loved being able to get out of the house. Although I now have the chance to get out anytime I want. We finally got our other car registered...granted we have only had it here since January. Here are some pictures from our day at the park!