Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Brian and I have been looking for an apartment the last month and finally found one! We will be closer to all of our family except his parents who will still be in Vernal. I am way excited to finally have a place to settle into for a few years, and can decorate any way that I want!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I cut my hair today! Here's the new look!

Park Day

Yesterday was such a nice day I didn't want to waste it so Janica and I walked to the park with the girls we had such a blast!

Monday, August 31, 2009


Yesterday was K's 2nd birthday! It was a crazy weekend of fun! I will have to post pictures later. It was so nice to spend saturday night with my family! Thanks everyone for coming it made the night great! Sunday night we spent with Brian's family. I LOVE LOVE K and can't believe she's already 2

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Wow how time flies! I can't believe it's been three years since Brian and I got married! I love him so much! He is a wonderful father and an amzing Husband. I feel so lucky to get to be with him forever! I LOVE YOU BRIAN! I look forward to everything in our future!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Today is Brians BIRTHDAY! I just wanted to tell him Happy Birthday and that I love him so much! I hope he has the best day ever. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!!!!!

I love this baby picture of him! I Believe it's his 1 year old picture

Playing rock band at Kelly and Victors! He loves to play the guitar and I love it when he does!! So hot!

He's such a great dad! I absolutely love this picture of him and baby A when she was born!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Just a little shout out to my dad! Happy Fathers day! I love my Daddy and I hope you have a great day!!! I'm sad I won't be able to spend part of the day with you but I'm still thinking of you! You are an amazing father and an awesome grandpa! HAPPY FATHERS DAY!! I LOVE YOU!

Monday, June 1, 2009

It's been way to long.......

I am terrible lately at posting on my blog sorry.... Things have been crazy with moving and getting settled. It's been really hard moving from Austin I really loved it there even though I was bored often. There were so many great things about Austin and I am sad to have left but I know that we are back here for a reason. I don't really like Vernal but i can tolerate it for now. I love being able to spend time with my in-laws. They are great and very supportive of Brian and I. It's also good that the girls get to spend time with their grandparents. I am so glad that they are warming up to them. It's been nice to have babysitters to. I'm very appriciative that Brian's little sisters are willing to watch the girls for me. This last week has been so rough I got a major cold and luckly I had someone to watch the girls for me so I could get the much needed sleep. I got over it quickly and am very happy about that.
Brian's family at baby A's blessing

I can't believe how much in the last month litle K has started talking. The other day her Uncle C was playing a game and finished a level all by him self and yelled "I did it" K repeated him with nearly perfect. It was so cute. She is saying more words everyday and I love it. She is so fun to listen to even if I can't understand her a lot of the time. She's just so cute.

Baby A is still growing she's my little chunk. She's nearly as big as K but so cute! She is starting to hold the bottle all be herself it's been so great. For the most part she is a very happy baby and loves to smile. She will smile at everyone and she just has the biggest and cutest smile. I love that she has so much hair and I can actually put it up. Brian and I are lucky to have 2 beautiful daughters are just way to cute and way to much fun!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A little something!

I'm am super behind on my blog. I have so much to write unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to do it at this moment. However I did want to write something short. I have really enjoyed this April. We had an amazing time with Danny and Angelyn in Austin! We did so many fun things that I will have to write about later. Than I decided to be spontaneous and take a trip to Utah to see the family! So far it's been great. I will write more about this trip another day. I'm so thankful I have such a wonderful family!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

This Easter has been great! It all started friday when the girls and I got to go and hangout with Kellie. Kellie picked me and the girls up and then we went to lunch. Kellie was so sweet and brought the girls basket with matching outfits that are so cute! K had so much fun dipping her fries in ranch, I think she ate more ranch than she did anything else. It was so funny. We than went to the park. I can't believe how much fun K had, she was very daring and wanted to jump off the playgrounds. I had to watch her very carefully so she didn't get hurt, at times I felt like I was chasing her around everywhere, but we had fun! After the park we went to Kellies. Kellie showed K her pet, it's a battery operated gerbile. It was so cute. It rolled around the floor and K chased it everywhere even behind the couch. It was so fun to watch her. Brian came for dinner and then we had dinner and played games. It was a great day!

Saturday we went to our apartments Easter Egg hunt. A slept the whole time which was nice. K would pick up her eggs and say "yeah" it was so fun! She is just to cute!

Easter was great. We didn't do our easter egg hunt until after church and K's nap (only becuase we have church at 9) When we did the hunt after K's nap she was so excited for it. She had fun, she would open nearly every egg once she picked them up. It was a good day! It's fun that K is now getting into doing things like hunting for eggs and opening gifts. It makes holidays fun!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April Adventures

So far this April we have done some fun things. On April 1st we went to dinner with Gabriel and Brittany at this really good hamburger place in Pflugerville we than played games at their house. Finally went to Denny's to have some dessert. We drove all over the place looking for a Village Inn but they have all closed here. So we settled on Denny's by the time we got there it was midnight. Strangely both K and B (Gabriel and Brittany's baby) we awake and stayed awake the whole time. I was amazed. We had a great night! K had a Oreo shake mustache and we just had to take pictures!

Brian has been sleeping during the days because of his work schedule. I like it because it gives me a chance to get our of the house if I want to. So the other day I took the girls and went to the mall to play in the play area there. It was chilly and windy outside and I really wanted to let K run around and play. She had so much fun. Once she went down the slide once she was hooked. It was so much fun to watch her run around and play. We had a great time and I will have to take her back again soon!

Monday, March 30, 2009


My favorite picture of the week! I Love these cheeks!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tornado Warning

Today we had a tornado warning. It was a new little adventure, we didn't actually have any tornado touch ground but we definately got the hail and rain. Brian and I watched the strom come in. It was a little cloudy today but still quite nice and then within like 15 minutes it went from nice to a down pour of hail. It was crazy. I've never seen it hail like that ever. It was nearly a white out from the hail.
We had a warning last spring just after we moved here but we didn't get anything other than winds from it so this was a new experience. This is just the start of tornado season to so I'm sure I will have many more stories to write about. We were really lucky to not have bigger and more hail and rain than we did. In one area they got 2 feet of hail and they had some major damage. We have a few dents in our car but that is all. here are the pictures I took of the hail. The first picture is of the hail that accumulated at our door. The other I went down and picked up some of the balls off of the grass.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm so glad that I put K on a bedtime schedule, it has made life at nights so much easier. I am thankful that it didn't take long for her to get used to it. It's been so great to have some time with Brian at night without the girls awake. Now if only I could get Brian to help a little more with putting the girls down.
We went to San Antonio last weekend for a meeting, I stayed at a friends house. I was able to get K to sleep because she has been on her schedule. It did take a little longer but she actually went to sleep. I was so happy. I'm so glad that I started her on a bedtime schedule. I would be going crazy if I wouldn't have changed what was going on at bedtime. Yeah for bedtime!!!
I'm not super excited about putting K and A in the same room. It's going to be a huge adjustment for K, and many long nights for me. K is such a light sleeper that I'm sure when A cries she will wake up. It may be a month of so befure we start that but I can honestly say that I'm not looking forward to it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Diaper Patrol

Just recently little K has wanted to help with all sorts of things, but the one thing she always wants to do is throw every diaper away. It doesn't matter if it is hers or baby A's. Today was so funny Brian was trying to distract her with an x-box controller. When I got done changing baby A, I asked her if she wanted to help mommy, she was so excited that she through the controller at Brian. It was hillarious! She is now on diaper patrol, it's great! I don't complain. She is becoming such a great big helper!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A day at the Park

Today was such a beautiful day so Brian and I decided to take the girls to the park. It was so nice that we didn't even need to wear jackets! Little K had so much fun. I think this was the first time she truly enjoyed the park, she could do everything by herself and she enjoyed her independence. Baby A got to just enjoy soaking up the sun and getting vitamin D! Brian chased little K all over the park it was so cute to watch them run around! I absolutely loved being able to get out of the house. Although I now have the chance to get out anytime I want. We finally got our other car registered...granted we have only had it here since January. Here are some pictures from our day at the park!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yay for nursery!

Today was the first offical day litle K got to go to nursery! It was nice because Brian had to teach Elders and I had baby A! She was so good, she didn't even cry when I left the nursery room! She's such a big girl!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

In with the new and out with the old...

I've decided that litle K needs a new bed time routine, one that does not involve watching Little Einsteins and mom holding her until she falls asleep. So tonight began the new one. Brian and I decided that the tv would be turned off at 7 if not earlier and we would listen to classical music for the rest of the evening. So we did this. Tonight was easy becuase some of our friends came to visit us. When they left Brian went to bed and so I'm doing the new routine by myself. After I fed baby A and got her to sleep I turned on a cd of nursery rhymes and little K and I danced to them when that was over we read a few books and the listned to some childrens songs. I got this compilation of childrens songs when K was born and we haven't really listened to it much, it's a great cd they are made for bedtime. Anyway then I put her in her crib. Now is the hard part, because she is not used to this I have to let her cry herself to sleep. It's so hard to just sit and listen to her cry when I know that it would be much easier to hold her. I really hope this new routine works and she will learn to go to sleep with out crying. I'm looking at getting a little cd player for her room so I can stick the cd on and have that help her settle and put her to sleep! I just hope this works. It's going to be a long process but if all works at it will be very well worth it! Wish me luck!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Eating like a big girl!

Litle K is now eating like a big girl! She was so cute I just had to take pictures and a video, which I will have to post later because it isn't loading!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hugs and Sleeping

Last weekend Brian and I were invited to a birhday party for Gabriel and Brittany's neighbor Tony. As always the party was a blast! While there litle K found a friend who wanted to give her lots of hugs, it was hilarious to watch. The other litle girl almost pushed her down several times trying to hug her. They were so cute that I had to take some pictures of them hugging.

Litle K saying no to hugs! I just love how she says no!

The other day I was watching something on tv while litle K was playing after awhile it got super quiet and I wasn't sure where K was. I figured she was playing under the kitchen table becuase she had been doing that most of the day. When I went to get up and check on her I found her asleep on the floor. Very rarely does she fall asleep without someone holding her. (A bad habit we are trying to brake) I thought it was so cute and had to take pictures of her asleep all curled up on the floor.

I love taking pictures of the girls and just can't pass up cute photos like this one! I love that baby A is holding the blanket as she is sleeping! She is so much fun! This morning she gave me such big smiles for like 5 minutes. It was fun to just sit and talk to her and make her smile without anyone bugging us.

I'm very blessed to have 2 wonderful girls who brighten my day with the little things!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Husband Tag

Husband tag.

1. Where did you meet? We met through our friend Gabriel. I believe the first time we met was at a halloween party, but I wasn't interested in him at that time. It took nearly 2 years for us to start dating!

2. How long did you date before you got married? 6 months

3. Where did he propose? At Strawberry Lake. There was still snow on the ground and I had to trek through it in flip flops.

4. Where did you get married? My parents back yard. It was my dream wedding!

5. How long have you been married? 2 1/2 years

6. What is your favorite feature of his? His eyes! They are very blue, but change with what he is wearing! They were the first thing noticed when I first met him.

7. What is his best quality? He is very empathetic!

8. Does he have a nickname for you? Usually it's just "love"

9. What is his favorite food? His moms home made pickles

10. What is his favorite sport? Fishing

11. Where did you have your first kiss? My parents doorstep

12. Who said I love you first? I think he did

13. What do you like to do together? Anything!

14. Do you have any kids? We have 2 beautiful daughters

15. What is his favorite music? Classical guitar

16. What do you admire most about him? How patient he can be

I tag: Alisha, Amanda, and anyone else that would like to do it. Have fun!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A new calling

Brian recieved a new calling this week, it came as a complete shock. Earlier this week he gat a phone call from our high councilman and asked if Brian could meet with him during the 2nd hour of church. He didn't say anything else so it left Brian and I wondering. We both figured it was a calling we just didn't know what it would be. Well today when Brian and I met with him I was super shocked at the calling he received. He has been called to serve as a councelor in the Elders Quoram. Life has been crazy busy as it is so to have Brian be in this calling I know it's from the lord. I'm way excited for him to have this calling it will be such a blessing to all of us. Brian was sustained at set apart today so he is offically in the presidency. I love this gospel and know that we are truly blessed to be apart of such a wonderful organization!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The girls!

Litle K's favorite things to do are read stories (with or without mom)and play with the toy she got from Grandma and Grandpa Archuleta for Christmas. Lately she will turn it on and then run away. I wonder if she's been hit in the head a few times by the balls popping out the top. Brittany and I laughed so hard last night when she stuck her head over the blow hole and got hit twice in the head one right after the other. What a silly girl!

Loving Sister!

Litle K is now obsessed with holding her sister. There have been some days where the only way to get her to calm down is to ask her if she wants to hold baby A. The only problem with her holding her sister is that she likes to point (which ends up being more poking) at her eyes and nose. She has learned what they are and will say eyes when she pokes them and she will say no when she points to her nose. It's cute. I love that she doesn't say the "S" on nose. It's funny to me. Anyway She's been such a sweet big sister! We are super lucky that litle K is loving to her and not trying to beat her up, well at least not yet!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Here are some pictures I took today of baby A.