Sunday, December 28, 2008


Christmas was so different this year. It's hard being away from family. We really missed them all but we still had a great time. Christmas eve we open PJ's and then mine went straight to my hospital bag. I'm excited to have something comfy to wear after having the baby! On Christmas day we got up and had breakfast. I was going to make a big breakfast but really wasn't feeling well so we settled for something easy. We than talked to Brians family and opened presants that they had sent to us over skype with them and than we did the same thing with my parents. It was nice to be able to still share some of the day with our families, what a blessing it is to have a web cam! Baby K was so fun to watch opening her gifts, she would love them after she opened them. I think her favorite toy was the barrel of monkeys that Brian got from his little brother. Anyway here are some of the pictures of Christmas!

Christmas day we spend with our friends Antonio and Monica. We had a great dinner and tons of fun playing games. This is a picture of them playing the Xbox

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pregnant Pictures

Here are some pictures of my pregnant belly!

I can't see Katrae under my belly anymore!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Baby K climbing in drawers. You can't see but there isn't a bottom drawer, I had taken it out so she wouldn't climb in the rest. Well she figured out how to climb in the middle one. I have since taken out the middle ones too.I had to take pics of her in it! She is so cute and does things like this all the time. Texas!

It snowed just a bit last night and I had to post this picture. It was a little exciting to see the snow!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Meeting with the Missionaries

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about our friends that went to church with us. Well they went again last week and agreed to meet with the sisters. They met with them yesterday at our house and we had a good discussion. They agreed to read the Book of Mormon and pray and also watch the movie Testiments. They are going to go to a baptism this next weekend and then talk to the sisters again. It's so fun to be helping with Missionary. We are really excited and hope they continue their intrest in the gospel.

Christmas Party and Brithday Party

Brian and I got invited to a Christmas Party in San Antonio this weekend and had a great time! It's about an hour and a half drive to San Antonio we drove down there with our friends Antonio and Monica. It didn't seem like a long drive at all. I was actually amazed! At the party there was some really good food, I really enjoyed the queso dip someone made. After everyone had gotten something to eat they did a white elephant gift exchange. I was fun. There were some really great gifts and some really lame ones. Brian and I both got gifts that we liked. The only down side to this party was that we only knew a few people, by the end of the night I had met a lot of new people but I can't remember their names at all. The only person I remember is this Guy Edmund. Brian and I sat and talked to him for a while. We learned that he was from Sweden and was living in San Antonio going to school on a schoolarship for running. He's a sprinter. We also learned that he was LDS. He was suprised that we were too. At the end of the night baby K had all of the attention. She was crazy hyper and so cute. I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures but what can I do now.
Saturday night we went to a Brithday party and Gabriel and Brittany's neighbors. They always have good parties. They always have good food, everyone brings food and it's always different then the last party. We have become friends with Tony and Theresa (the neighbors) They are such a fun couple and are very accepting of everyone! It's nice to be able to get out and have fun, it's great to have friends who want us around to party with! All in all it was a great weekend!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

New yet old friends

I was so suprised tonight at my Enrichment Christmas dinner when I turned around in my chair and saw one of my old friends sitting at the table next to me. I said her name and then we had a great little reunion. Her name is Susie. I worked with her at TJ Maxx before either one of us got married. We used to hangout back when and always had fun. Anyway she and her husband moved here recently and we just ran into each other. It's amazing. It's so nice to have a friend in the ward that I don't have to completely get to know. She is so fun and super cute! I'm so glad to have another friend here in Austin. Lets just hope now that her husband and Brian will become great friends. That would be awesome! What a blessing it is to find good friends and run into them when you need them the most!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Picture Tag!

I haven't had much to blog about lately so I thought I would do this picture tag!

Fourth Folder Forth Picture.

This is Baby K at Easter! This was my favorite picture that was taken that day!

Sixth Folder Sixth Picture

Baby K eating her cake on her first birthday! It was so fun to watch her destroy her cake!

Eighth Folder Eighth Picture

Brian and a sleeping Baby K at the park in October!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Missionary Work

Brian met this couple this summer while I was visiting Utah. They have become some good friends of ours. They are such a cute couple and best thing is they live in our apartment complex. This last weekend Brian went to a meeting with them and on their way home they had told Brian that they had been invited to church by some elders. They had some questions and Brian answered them and then invited them to go with us to our ward. (The elders are in a different ward, we have some awesome sisters!) We all went to church yesterday and it was great! They seemed very interested. I was so happy. I was suprised that they already had some Book of Mormons and that they brought them with them.

We've been able to talk to them a little bit about some things. We were looking at some pictures one day and came across our Sealing pictures. I was able to tell her a little about our temples. Brian has talked to him a few times about various things. It's been such a great experience and we hope that they want to go with us again to church and learn more! We are both excited to be able to do some missionary work while we are here.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


So the other day Brian was watching SpnongeBob(one of his favorite things to watch.) Anyway, I was watching Baby K and she climbed into the luvsac and laid down to watch SpongeBob with daddy. I had to take some pictures of it, it was just way to cute!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another Crazy Thing

Baby K has been doing this little "hat dance" it's super cute. Sorry if the video is a little shakey sometimes I have to do it with her. Anyway here's a fun litle video to watch

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween was such a blast. We all had so much fun dressing up. We went to a party at Gabriel and Brittany's neighbors. It was a lot of fun. I forgot my wings I was suppposed to be a fairy princess instead I called the Pregnant Prom Queen. I thought that was hillarious. Brain didn't want to dress up so much so he wore pj's and decided that he was "dead tired". Baby K's costume was a Bat Witch or something to that effect. Gabriel and Brittany were Cowboys and Baby B was a M&M. The party we went to was awesome. They went all out on decorations and such. I'm sad I didn't get some pics from the party but oh well now. We stayed out way to late on halloween but it was so fun to be out with a bunch of crazy adults. Hope you enjoy the slide show of us all dressed up!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Our ward had their trunk or treat this past weekend. Here are some pictures we took. I didn't take that many sorry. We will forsure take more on Halloween. Baby K was so cute that night. She kept wanting to run around the church or rather she wanted to climb up and down the stairs. It was so much fun to watch here run and play in her costume!

We went fishing! Look what we cought!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Silly Girl

It seems that lately Baby K has been doing some funny things. This morning as we were all just hanging out she decided that she needed to climb up on the desk chair to get to the stereo. She is to cute and I had to take some pictures of it. We love all of the silly things she does, it keeps us very intertained!

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Dish!

I was watching tv today when I saw Baby K sit in this dish. I thought it was hillarious so I took some pictures to share with you all. This dish used to hold all of my measuring cups and spoons but she now thinks they are her toys and I can't ever find the one I need. She can sit and play with them for hours, it's such a great inexpensive toy!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I've been tagged

Thanks mom for tagging me, I however am still blog illiterate and I don't have any links to anyones blogs so this will be stopping with me. I still want to share with you all the few things that are required with this tag.

1.I only have 3 molars. My bottom left molar never grew in, it's totally weird, but cool. I guess it's not a very common thing at least that's what the dentist and orthadonist said. I haven't ever had problems with it and I think it's funny.

2.I love being able to lounge around all day in my pj's. I figure that since I have no where to be and no one comes to see me that I will just hangout in Pj's. They are so comfy and I love them.

3.I hate shopping. I think it's a waste of time to walk around a store for no reason. Window shopping is the worse. Brian on the other hand loves it. He will want to go sometimes and I just have to suck it up and go with him. I like to know that I'm going for something in particular or at least have an idea of what I need or want.

4.I love reading, but I have found that it is so much harder to find the time to read a book with a toddler. Katrae and I read her books which is fun, but I miss my chapter books. I haven't been able to pick up a book since I read Breaking Dawn in Utah this summer. Hopefully I will be able to find some time to read again. I miss it!

5.Baking is one of my favorite things the only problem is I don't need all the sugar. I love baking just about anything. I have been trying new receipes and have found an awesome brownie receipe. Sometimes it seems like a stress relief. it's great!

6.Board games are absolutely fantastic! I love playing them, I miss the days when we used to play them all the time. Once again it's been soemthing that's a challenge with a child. She wants to play them with us too, which makes it that much more difficult. We play when we can.

7.I totally miss being a little kid. I love that carefree life and wish I could have that again. Being an adult as many of you know can be stressful and I don't like being stressed. It was always so fun being able to just go and hangout without worries. Maybe I just miss all those friends and the social life. You know me I have always been a social butterfly.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Doctor Again

I can't believe I got stuck at the doctors office again. Today I had my monthly check up, I also did my glucose test as well. The doctors office I go to has a lab right there so they do things a little differently. On my last visit I got the drink for the glucose test and was told to have the test done the same day as my next appointment. It's nice that I only had to go to one place to do both. I had to have my blood drawn at 2:45 so I got to the lab about 2:35 so that I would have plenty of time so that I wouldn't have to redo this test. Once I got my blood drawn I went down to my appointment. I have awful luck at the doctors office. I waited for over an hour just to get in a room. It was a little more challenging because I had Baby K with me. She is very intertaining and everyone in the waiting room just loved her. At one point she had everyone laughing. It was great, but still hard to keep her occupied. Once I got into my room I waited at least 20 more minutes before I got to see the Nurse. I'm hoping that I don't have to ever wait that long again. It's no fun being stuck in a doctors office forever! All in all with my blood being drawn and my appointment I was there for 2 hours. I have my next appointment in 3 weeks. Everything is going great! Baby is sounding good and other than being tired I feel great!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rock Band

Dinner with the DeSimones

Last night Brian and I went and had Dinner with my dad's cousing Kellie and her family. It was so much fun. I have been to lunch a few times with Kellie but had never been to there house. They live about 30 minutes from us which really isn't all that far. I had never even been to south Austin so the drive to their house was great. I really like the area they live in it's beautiful. When we got there Baby K was so excited to be somewhere new, she went right to Kellie and followed her around the house the rest of the night. She was so cute! Kellie and Victor made us steak and potatoes. It was great. After dinner we played rock band it was fun. Brian and their oldest daughter Sara played the guitars, Victor played the drum and Kellie and I switched off singing. We are so lucky to have a little be of family live here. We really enjoyed going to their house and can't wait to go again!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Baby K Swinging

Baby K loves to swing!

A day at the park!

We went to the park yesterday and had some fun with our new friends. I met this girl Malinda and her son Aden so we set up a play date. It was way fun. Here are some pics of our day at the park. We were lucky enough to have daddy go with us. Baby K fell asleep on the way to the park and only slept for a little bit. She had fun swinging once she was awake.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Random photos of Baby K

Baby B and Baby K

As many of you know our good friends Gabriel and Brittany had their little boy the same day Amanda had her little princess. I just wanted to share some photos of little B.

Baby K is very interested in Baby B. She liked to sit and stare.

We are so happy for them and hope they enjoy being parents as much as we have!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Here is a video of the litl speed racer walking!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Doctor visits and such

Both Baby Cakes and I had doctor appointements this week. Baby Cakes had her well check-up she is still small according to the charts but is growing. We didn't give her immunizations this time so it's nice not to have to deal with a crank y child due to shots. She's doing everything that she should be. She only weighs 17-9 and is only 28 1/2 inches tall.
My appointment took forever! After the nurse took my blood pressure and listened to the babies heart beat she said the doctor would be right in. Five minutes later she came back in and said that Dr. Mills had to go do a delivery but would be back as soon as she was done. I was there waiting in my room for nearly 45 minutes before the nurse came back in and said that Dr Mill's nurse could see me if I wanted. I didn't care so I said sure. She was in within a few minutes and I was gone in the next ten all in all I think I was there for over an hour. It seemed like forever! Everything is going well with this pregnancy, I'm right where I should be. Baby seems to be growing and has a good heart beat. She is very active already.
Brian has been doing a cleanse the last week and isn't really enjoying it but is hoping that it will help him feel better on average once he's done with it. Other than that things are going good here and we are enjoying life as much as possible.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Destroying the cake

eating the cake, good fun!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Brithday

Katrae's birthday on saturday was wonderful! We had fun giving her cake, it took her a bit to finally dig in but when she did she loved it. She started off by trying to pick off the individual sprinkles but gave up on that and moved onto the frosting, she finally figured out that there was more there than that. It was so fun watching her destroy her cake! It was so much fun. After her cake we opened presents she had fun tearing the pink wrapping paper! I can't believe she's one but she is so much fun. She's walking more and doing all sorts of things that baby's do.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

All new

So like everyone else i've decided to try the blog thing and keep everyone up to date with whats going on here in Texas!